Enhance your Bellman Visit home system by shopping our range of Bellman Visit Accessories, all designed to help make home life easier for deaf and hard of hearing people. From vibrating bed-shakers that are guaranteed to wake you up to a magnetic switch that can help you keep tabs on a wandering loved one with dementia, these accessories let you build the home system that works for you.
Bellman Bed-Shaker compatible with all Visit receivers, to alert the hard of hearing during the night. Operates at a low voltage for safe use, and produces powerful vibrations to wake even heavy sleepers.
External microphone cable which connects to your Visit Door Transmitter to pick up noises it may not reach. Your Door Transmitter could also listen for phone calls or an external intercom system.
Magnetic switch to alert the hard of hearing to the opening of a door or window. Helps you monitor young children, elderly family members with dementia and intruders.
Unit recharges the battery of your Bellman Visit Portable Pager Receiver. It vibrates and lights up instead of the pager while the pager charges, and it can be connected to up to two bed shakers to alert your during the night.
Pressure sensing Contact Mat for hard of hearing parents or carers of patients with dementia. Connects to your Bellman Visit Transmitters and triggers an alert to your home system if stepped on.
Doorbell for the hard of hearing which alerts your Bellman Visit receiver when triggered. Customisable signals allow for use on multiple doors, and it can also be used as a personal alarm.